Final Statement

As the year comes to an end, I happily look back over my progress for the last few months. Although I have not yet managed to fully use Cinema 4D or Blender; I have instead learned to use Adobe Animate, which has proven to be a very useful tool for hand drawn animation. Adobe Animate has allowed me to do new creative styles of animation which otherwise I could not do. My knowledge of motion design has vastly improved as I now have completed an 8000-word dissertation on motion design. I understand the history of motion design and how to apply it into my own work. Motion design is a convoluted medium which opens many doors to different industries, ranging from broadcasting to video game design. Opening many job roles to me in the future.

I am proud that I stuck and continued to follow my side passion of photography; having now purchased two lenses for my Canon 4000D. The new lenses and further research have yielded me with new photography skills. Over the course of the last few months, I have learned to create fantastic macro and night-time photography. Giving me the opportunity to create unique photographs and a personal style that I am very proud of. I am hoping to keep taking photographs and eventually to upgrade my main camera body, to elevate my work to the next level. Potentially, attracting new cliental using my photography Instagram, which has grown considerably over the last few months.

The feedback from my first creative portfolio interview has made me realise that I still need to find to my own personal video style as many of my videos use different illustration styles. I need pick a favourite and keep developing it until it is sufficient enough to land me a good motion design job. And although at times I am quite nervous when presenting, once I find my flow, I give good well thought out public speeches. Presenting is a very valuable skill to have, as I will need to present briefs to clients in the future. I just need to work on having confidence in my own work.

The next plan of action is for me move to Liverpool as there are many creative opportunities there, as I have learned from the guest lecturers. I will keep working on my motion design and possibly start mixing my two passions together as the new hybrid image-stabilised lens allows me to also shoot smooth hand-held footage that I could incorporate in my videos/mixed media animations. I am still lacking some knowledge in Adobe Photoshop, so I will keep using it to generate more experience and confidence. Hopefully, I can land a junior motion designer role in Liverpool, although I understand that I need to be patient as the coronavirus pandemic is still ongoing and creative jobs at the moment are limited due to layoffs. I am optimistic for the future.

My Ever-Growing Camera Collection